Photo credit: Oral History of American Music
Looking forward to celebrating the 50th birthday of Yale's Oral History of American Music! This Wednesday at Yale's Center for Collaborative Arts and Media, we will host the opening reception for the reVox exhibition! Come check out the pieces on exhibit as well as hear live music from Jack Vees, Gabrielle Herbst, Ben Verdery, and Tanner Porter to celebrate the evening! The piece I wrote for the reVox exhibit is a new electronic work entitled "Attention/Awareness" that incorporates OHAM interview excerpts from Pauline Oliveros as well as takes inspiration from her work as an accordion player and deep listener. Big thanks to Camilla Tassi for collaborating with me on the video!
OHAM includes more than 3,000 video and audio interviews from major figures in American music, from composers and conductors, to performers and theatre directors. I worked for OHAM this summer and thoroughly enjoyed listening and learning from these interviews. Curating the reVox event with both Jack Vees and Libby Van Cleve has also been an enjoyable and insightful experience.
reVox will be at CCAM from January 29-February 13. Stop by and check it out!